Our big birdwatch

Motivated by the RSPB big garden birdwatch, we have been learning all about our feathered friends.

We discovered, from an information video, that all birds: have feathers; lay eggs; have a beak instead of teeth and have wings (but not all birds fly). After enjoying the book, ‘A Busy Day for Birds’ by Lucy Cousins, we went on our own birdwatch around the school grounds. Can the children recall which birds they spotted in the sky or on the field and which birds they heard in the hedgerows?

To try and attract more birds to our class apple tree, we made bird cake. Here are the instructions if you want to make some at home.

The children were also invited to draw a bird.

Our class story invention this week featured Muffin, the Puffin, being rescued by his lifelong mate, Huffin.

Can the children tell you what happened?

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