How exciting to walk into assembly and discover that police officers, Sarah and Paul, had come to visit us in school. We thought about the questions we would like to ask them when it was our turn to go outside so that we could learn more about what the police do to help us.
During the visit, Sarah asked us which vehicles the police might use other than a van. Their favourite answer was from Emma, who thought that they might drive “Lamborghinis”. Sarah and Paul also loved the idea that there may be police camels, giraffes and cows when they asked which animals help the police with their work. We learnt that dogs and horses are used by the police but that Paul thought that “Giraffes is a great idea for looking in high places”.

We all had the opportunity to be ‘locked up’ in the back of the police van and were excited when the lights and sirens were switched on by Zoe and Lucas.

When we returned inside, we reflected on what we had learned about how the police help us.
Lucas recalled that, “the baddies go in the back and are locked in so they cannot escape”. “The uniform is bright yellow so we know they are there at night.” (Isaac). “If people hurt you, you use a shield to stop them.” (Ian) “The sirens are really loud.” (Reggie) “The sirens were so loud I had to put my fingers in my ears.” (Hector) “You ring 999.” (Coby) “Being an officer is good because you can catch baddies.” (Toby)
Thank you to Sarah and Paul for coming and for inspiring so many of us to say, “I want to be in the police when I grow up!”.