….is our topic this half term. The children have been talking about all of the people, who help them. Parents will be pleased to hear that you came up quite a lot – especially in relation to feeding them! We have also identified doctors, the police, builders, firemen, teachers, refuse collectors, nurses, dentists and delivery drivers.
There has been some wonderful role play in our medical centre. Coby used the thermometer: “Put it in your armpit or your mouth to make sure you’re feeling alright”. Ian told Miss Hague, “It’s a bandage for a leg cut or bone break.”

While sharing our story about Dr Miranda, Isaac revealed that he is on course for a medical career if he wants one. He offered a super explanation for the term swollen: “It’s where you injure something like your ankle and it becomes fat.”

He also told us, “If you are hot, you might have a temperature”.
Most of the children were able to recall their own medical experiences. We heard about rashes, earaches and sore throats.
Thank you very much to Amy for coming in on Friday to explain what she does in her role as an intensive care nurse. Please ask the children what they recall from her visit.

Later in the half term, we will welcome a visit from some police officers.
It was lovely to have the opportunity to come in and talk about being a nurse, thank you. Their enthusiasm to see how we should wash our hands properly was great. They all enjoyed the UV light experiment 😊