After enjoying the book, ‘A Busy Day for Birds’ by Lucy Cousins, we went on our own birdwatch around the school grounds. Can the children recall which birds they spotted or heard? We came across a pigeon, blackbirds, house sparrows, a carrion crow, a blue tit, a pied wagtail, lots of magpies and a herring gull. We were most impressed by the magnificent red kites but disappointed not to see a robin. Luckily, we have our own Robyn!

We discovered that all birds: have feathers; lay eggs; have a beak instead of teeth and have wings (but not all birds fly). We made our own colourful birds and learnt that it is the male birds, who are have the most colourful feathers, so they can attract females.

To try and attract more birds to our class willow tree, we made bird cakes. Why not make some at home too?

Come and get your cakes, birds!

Feeling proud
Congratulations to our learners of the week: Aulani for being such an inspiring athlete and Peter for his reasoning in maths. Well done to our Reading Eggs and Mathseeds certificate earners. Birthday girl, Paige, is our home reader of the week.