People who help us

Over the last couple of weeks, we have been learning about people – in school and out of school – who help us. Please show the photos to the children at home to see if they can recall who does what.

Sophia correctly guessed that Mrs Horsley “fixes stuff”. Indeed, Mrs Horsley fixes lots of things, including children, when they need first aid. She keeps us safe by managing the Nursery Lane gate and cleaning the touch points around school.

Mr Carter rushed to help when our bookshelf broke. Rio predicted that he would “need his screwdriver”.

Mr Gilfoyle ensures we have everything that we need in the classroom.

Magdalena cooks and serves our delicious lunches.

Rosa cleans our classroom after we have all gone home.

Mrs Price encourages us to come to school on time every time so that we don’t miss any learning. We might even learn how to cook with her!

Ruby wrote some wonderful sentences following the visits.

On Tuesday, Freya’s mum – a physiotherapist – talked about her role in helping people develop their balance, and improve their muscle and bone strength. We enjoyed meeting her skeleton and learned that our ribs protect our lungs and that we all have a funny bone. Freya modelled the crutches that help us if we hurt a leg. We also got to test our reflexes with her tendon hammer. Thank you so much to her for coming in to school.

Who helps us outside of school? Parents, grandparents, siblings, dentists, nurses, doctors, librarians, members of our religious communities, hairdressers, postal workers, refuse collectors, shop assistants, builders, police officers, pharmacists?

Please encourage the children to draw a picture or write a sentence about someone who helps them and bring it in for our ‘People who help us’ display board.

Well done….

….to our learners of the week – Ruby for her writing and Poppy for her helpfulness – and to our home reader of the week – Robyn – and to our Reading Eggs/Mathseeds certificate earners.

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