The first snowfall of the year always has such a captivating impact on young children and it has been wonderful to witness their enthusiasm for the seasonal changes. We noticed that there was snow on our class apple tree as we made our way down from Nursery Lane and discussed why there was no snow on the underside of the branches.

We were delighted to find that there was ice and snow to explore in the outdoor area and Zoe was overheard explaining to her friends that the “mud” in the outdoor kitchen had “frozen”.
At snack time on Monday, we chose some objects to place in water outside overnight as an experiment. When we arrived in school on Tuesday, there was fascination that solid ice had formed on the inner sides of the cup and on the top but there was still liquid water on the inside. The ice-crystals made it hard for us to see through the top but the ice was transparent further down and we could see the toy.

Alma started her own experiment at home and brought it into school on Thursday to share the learning with her friends. We particularly enjoyed watching the pockets of air moving around. It took all morning for the ice to melt.

When we wanted a break from the chilly weather, we came inside and created wintry scene pictures, choosing different materials in cold colours

We have also been practising zipping up coats and putting on mittens. Gloves are particularly tricky so please only send them in when the children have mastered putting them on independently! Thank you.
Isaac says he loved coming to school in the snow and making snowmen and wintry pictures.