As we come to end of our first half term, we reflect on our Reception journeys so far. Rio has loved spending time with his buddy. Sophia is proud that she can now “climb on the climbing frame upside down with no hands”. Eva enjoyed “making puppets”. Peter is proud “of all the words I read now”. Rory likes “playing with Aulani all day”. Paige’s highlight was “having a worm in [her] hair”! We are all different but, collectively, RS, you make a wonderful group of children to be around and it is a privilege to watch you grow. Thank you.
Talk for writing innovation
This week, RS took Little Rabbit Foo Foo on a new adventure. He hopped into the farmyard and scooped up the oinking pigs, fluffy sheep, mooing cows and flapping chickens. Despite warnings from the angry farmer, Little Rabbit Foo Foo continued to bop heads until the farmer had no choice other than to turn him into a spider. Super ideas, RS!
Certificates and stickers for learning on Reading Eggs and Mathseeds

Wishing you all a wonderful half-term break.
Thanks Mrs Shipley for all the input