Becoming ACE mathematicians

Our Reception maths journey started with matching and sorting games. We talked about why objects are the same or different and then went on a hunt to ‘Find a match’.

We challenged ourselves to build matching towers.

We played SNAP! Lids were matched. Sets were created and incorrect sets were fixed.

Some of the children were so keen to demonstrate their sorting skills that, one afternoon, they tipped out all the resources on every shelf in the maths area! They discovered that, despite being skilled sorters and matchers, they had set themselves a time consuming challenge!

We have also been comparing quantities. Are there more boys or more girls in our class? Which colour lunch band is most popular today? Who has fewer banana slices? How many more bears does Cheeky Monkey have? We discovered that it’s easier to compare quantities when we line them up carefully or use a ten-frame.

Next week, we will be comparing size and mass. Please chat over the weekend about who is taller and shorter at home. How do the children know? Can they have a go at being human scales? Take a walk indoors or out and pick up an object in each hand. Does one object feel heavier than the other? The children might discover that size is not always an indicator of mass.

3 thoughts on “Becoming ACE mathematicians

  1. Thank you for the pictures! So good to see the things they’re doing and what they’re learning – it looks lots of fun.

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