Becoming ACE readers

Phonics lessons have started this week and the children have shown lots of enthusiasm for saying, reading and writing a new sound each day. Can you go on a hunt at home to find objects beginning with the following sounds: m, a, s and d?

We walked through the wardrobe to make our first visit to the school library and to chose our library books for the week. Please return them next Thursday so we can swap them over. Our librarian – Miss Whiteley – explained how important it is that we take care of books.

Why not join our family library sessions, which take place on Tuesdays 3.00-4.00pm? Siblings are welcome to come along too.

2 thoughts on “Becoming ACE readers

  1. Mia was very excited to show me her very first library book when I collected her from school.
    Lovely bedtime read tonight.

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