….at Skelton Grange on Tuesday. Sam and Chris invited us to join in as they told the story of The Gruffalo. During the morning, we searched for berries, hazelnuts and crab apples for mouse, listened out for owl’s hoots, sequenced the story and examined wriggly and slimy minibeasts in their natural habitat. We broke for an indoor picnic before heading out to explore again. The children collaborated to gather long sticks for a cosy den. Cakes, soups and hot chocolate were cooked up in the mud kitchen. Critical thinking skills were in evidence when the ball run broke and the children had to work out how to fix it. We bravely balanced along the ropes and Sam sent us flying through the air on the rope swing. What a fun day, filled with outdoor learning and adventure!

Please check your child’s book bag as they have all chosen a couple of photos to bring home to you.