When we arrived at school on Monday, we noticed that Jasper the cat (Jasper’s Beanstalk – Nick Butterworth and Mick Inkpen) had gifted us a bean. We examined the bean and noticed that it was “hard” (George), “browny black” (Rio) and a “sort of oval shape” (Mia). The bean was planted in compost and then we watered the bean. We learnt about the life cycle of a bean and await a root with keen anticipation. We are hoping for a tall beanstalk with a giant at the top….and maybe some treasure.

Aliens called Odd and Even
We have been revising odd and even numbers and the children were encouraged to create aliens with odd and even features.
The story bus….
….came for the second time this year so the children, who did not visit last time, visited the bus on Wednesday. We listened to a story called ‘Knock Knock. Who’s there?’. Then we had time to explore the books in the library.

Well done to our certificate earners this week!