brings new life and we have noticed that, while our class tree is still leafless as it wakes up from Winter, there are flowers on the ground under the tree. Did anyone know what the flowers were? “Yellow ones!”, said someone. “You mean daffodils,” Edie specified. We also noticed crocuses.

In class, we made observational crayon drawings of daffodils.

Ash Wednesday marked the start of Lent. We learned that during the 40 days (not including Sundays) of Lent, some Christians choose to give something up that they like/enjoy, just as Jesus gave up food and drink during the time he spent in the desert to be with God. We talked about what we might give up. Jay suggested “Pringles”. Leon thought he might give up his “house”.
I hope that the practice we put into flipping pancakes in our outdoor area saved some mess at home. We talked about how the ingredients used for making pancakes are not eaten until Easter by some Christian families.

Planting potatoes
We examined a real potato and gathered the children’s ideas about where potatoes come from. “The shop” was the most popular response but some children suggested that, before they arrived at the shop, potatoes grow “in soil”….”on farms”…”in fields”. We then found a toy potato in our feely bag and considered why it might not grow if we planted it. “Well, it will just get dirty, won’t it?” suggested Reggie.
Mrs Wake has kindly given us some seed potatoes to grow. We went outside and added nutritious soil to the bag – not too much as we learned that we will need to ‘earth them up’ when shoots appear. The seed potatoes were positioned carefully so they would have room to grow. We checked for stones as Aunty Mabel (Come Outside) warned that any stones might result in funny-shaped potatoes! The children suggested that the plants would need water and a sunny spot in the outdoor area. We can’t wait to follow their progress.

World Book Day
Thank you so much for all of the effort that went into costumes for World Book Day. Well done to Edie, who read us the story of The Ugly Duckling. I wonder which stories you might share at home this weekend?