Once upon a time….

….a basket appeared in RS. It contained a cake, a hooded red cape, an axe and a grandma. What were they doing in our classroom? Where had they come from?

The children guessed that the objects may be connected to ‘Little Red Riding Hood’ – a popular traditional tale. We discovered that some of us were familiar with this story. We also discovered that we had different ideas about how the story unfolds. Over the course of the week, we discussed the beauty of traditional tales; they are passed down from generation to generation and the details change depending on who tells the story, creating many different versions. We don’t always need a book to experience the magic.

The children were invited to paint a wolf and to draw Little Red.

We have been reading and acting out lots of other traditional tales too. Zoe and Frankie enjoyed pretending that the book was the fox’s mouth and snapped the gingerbread man inside!

Which traditional tales do you enjoy at home? Maybe you could phone/FaceTime a relative and ask them to tell you their favourite from when they were younger?

Don’t forget….they all lived happily ever after. The end.

One thought on “Once upon a time….

  1. Please don’t tell the authorities about the biscuits! Isaac told me mentioned in class. I promise it was only to keep the children well fed on our bike ride.

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