Our focus, this week, has been learning about Diwali – the Hindu and Sikh festival of light – where goodness triumphs over evil. Mrs Ajith very kindly talked to us about how her family celebrate at home.

The children listened to, watched and then acted out the story of Warrior Prince Rama and Princess Sita.
Princess Sita and Warrior Prince Rama loved each other very much.

However, Demon King Ravana wanted Princess Sita for himself and took her away. (Darius is trying very hard to look mean!)

Prince Rama asked his good friend, Hanuman – the Monkey King – for help. So Hanuman rounded up all of the monkeys to help find Princess Sita.

Prince Rama shot an arrow at Demon King Ravana….

…..and he died.
Princess Sita and Prince Rama were reunited. Diva lamps help them to find their way home.

Super drama, RS! It was brilliant that you all wanted to perform on our ‘stage’. I wonder if the children can use the pictures to retell the story at home?
The children rose to the challenge of manipulating clay and then creating patterns with tools to make beautiful diva lamps. Please just add a tealight when they bring them home. We hope they burn brightly and bring you good fortune.