After reading ‘The Feelings Book’ by Todd Parr, some of the children wanted to talk about when they have encountered certain feelings. We opened up about how we feel: cranky when a “baby brother bites [a] finger”; scared when we think of “monsters” and “a scary dinosaur…a real one…not pretend”; brave when we “swim underwater for the first time” and lonely when a “brother goes to woodcraft”. Rory suggested that, “sometimes we might even feel like having fish and chips and diet coke for breakfast”.

Thank you for sending the children in their green clothes. We blended in well with the classroom’s calm zone.

We discussed what makes us feel calm and happy. Running around, playing games, cooking, listening to stories, having a bath, playing with pets, being kind and crafting were all mentioned. The children were invited to craft collage hearts and write kind messages of appreciation for their friends.

Feeling proud
Well done to our certificate earners this week.