Excitement had been mounting all week for today’s visitors: police officers, Sarah and Paul.

Sarah and Paul talked to us about their important role in helping members of our community to make positive behaviour choices. They were impressed that the children knew the phone number to call in an emergency. We enjoyed learning about the equipment that forms part of their uniform: a radio, a camera and a torch. Can the children recall all of the different vehicles that the police use and how animals help them to do their job?
Before the visit, we identified some question words and discussed what we might ask Sarah and Paul when they came in.

We also drew some pictures and made books.
A particularly exciting part of the visit was when we were invited to go and explore the police van. We noticed that there was a place on the van, where people would be asked to sit if they needed some help with their choices management. The lights flashed and the sirens blared. We even got to hold the heavy shields that may be used to protect police officers in a riot.

Thank you so much to Sarah and Paul for inspiring so many of the children to say, “I want to be in the police when I am bigger”.

Well done to our certificate earners this week!

Great pictures thank you!
What an exciting morning for all the children! Maya couldn’t wait to tell me all about what she’d learnt from Sarah and Paul. Thank you for organising the visit and sharing the pictures!