On our Talk for Writing journey so far, we have shared the story, talked about the nouns and adjectives used to describe the Gruffalo, drawn crayon portraits of the Gruffalo, created mice with curly tails, developed our hole punching and pin splitting skills making snakes and retold the story using story maps.

We then considered how we might describe a different monster before creating and describing our own. The children are – quite rightly – feeling very proud that they can identify some of the sounds in the words that they want to use in their writing.
Our innovation of The Gruffalo story involved a monster called Yellowno.

What’s a Yellowno? A Yellowno? Why, didn’t you know? He has stripy horns and scratchy claws and sharp wet teeth in his smooth jaws. He has bendy knees and messy toes and poor Yellowno has no nose. His eyes shine blue, his tongue is red and he has purple spots all over his head. Oh help! Oh no! It’s a Yellowno!
Great ideas, RS – well done!
We are very excited about our trip next Tuesday to Skelton Grange, where we will consolidate our learning before turning our attention to Christmas.
Reading Eggs and Mathseeds
Well done to earners of certificates and stickers this week.

And, well done, Ariella, for being our home reading champion this week.

Lovely. Thank you for sharing with us x