We thought that Eliza’s comment about the apple she spotted in the orchard was very amusing but also symbolic in the first week of Reception. The children, who joined RS this week, have made a wonderful start to their year. They have been exploring indoors and out, building relationships with friends, buddies and teaching staff and launching their Reception learning journeys. Here we all are in the orchard, where we talked about what we noticed before returning to the classroom to smell the apples and talk about how we might cook or eat them: apple pie was a popular choice.

I wonder if the children can recall what crawled out of bug-loving Mia’s apple?

We are looking forward to welcoming the remaining children into RS next week. Your teddies can’t wait for their first cuddle.
Thank you, parents, for all of your support in naming items coming into school.
Mia has an earwig! You have to be careful with them because they can give you a painful nip with those pincers on their tails.
Earwigs are normally nocturnal and hide away to sleep during the day. I guess Mia’s earwig was hiding on the apple.